Saturday, October 23, 2010

Antoine Dodson Song

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Antoine Dodson has quickly became a internet superstar. If you are just hearing about Antoine Dodson story, let me share it with you.

Antoine Dodson, the sibling of Kelly Dodson, is the newest face of "America's most wanted". Well, aleast not in the sense of the famous TV show that we all know,  

Veiw the origanal news story here.

Kelly Dodson was in her bedroom asleep when a rapist attempted to assualt her. He is better known as the "Bed Intruder",   Antoine Dodson, who also at home heard loud noises of Kelly Dodson wrestling with the Bed Intruder, in her home. Stoked by the disturbance that was going on in Kelly's bedroom, Antoine Dodson proceeded into the bedroom to kick the Bed Intruders' "behind end", but the attempted rapist got away before Antoine could do anything about it.
You are probably thinking to yourself,  man......that dude gave them the slip , but don't you worry, the crazed maniac forgot his shirt and left fingerprints behind for evidence and Antoine and his buddy's are bent on finding him.  As a matter of fact, in the interview that has come to be one of the greatest interviews that has ever been on the face of you tube television, Antoine said  that, ".....we gone find you" and "you can run and tell that.........Homeboy", stating that this is Definitely Not the End!  He has gotten so popular from the incident there has been a song made about him.

View it here.